Contacting Us
Your participation improves Resonic, and your support keeps it going.
Your questions, comments, ideas and suggestions, bug reports, and thanks are always welcome. So is your constructive criticism.
Maybe you can write about Resonic on your blog or website, on social media, or simply let your friends and colleagues know about it
to help us spread the word about this project, and to build a strong community.
Direct your letters to
No technical email support is available for the free Resonic Player. Instead please use Discord, Forums, FB Group, or any of the other options listed below whenever you can to make the discussion available to all users.
Discord Homebase
Our steadily growing home with voice chats, Q&As, screen shares, and our preferred way of being in touch.
A place for digital art and talk that covers and connects many areas of audio, music, gaming, game design, and graphics, spanning creative users and industry professionals working in many fields.
You'll find all kinds of artists in the wild here, from music/film/game composers, sound designers, to demosceners.
If you're new to Discord, ask, and you shall receive help.
Resonic Users Group
If you're still on Facebook join our Resonic group for more involved discussions, and to talk directly to the developers. We post smaller updates here that do not make it onto the main page. It's a good way to find out what's going on behind the scenes too.
LA Forums
Our discussion forums and community related to anything Liqube Audio, but especially Resonic.
LA Bug Tracker
While we prefer direct contact via Discord we have an oldskool bug tracker up for reports, ideas, and suggestions. Keep in mind that this is seen as an add-on to what we already. We're also keeping private lists and mindmaps of everything relevant that's been said and suggested to us.
KVR Forum
A little discussion board provided and hosted by the good people at KVR Audio.
Resonic Audio Player
When something noteworthy happens with Resonic Pro and Resonic Player you'll find it out here as well.
The occasional video tutorial and update on our Liqube Audio YouTube channel.
Every now and then we post behind the scenes updates to our Instagram account.
KVR Audio
In case you wish to follow us on KVR Audio.