Site News
Official Resonic news.
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December 2, 2024
We've extended our well-received discount on individual and small business licenses for the rest of December 2024.
November 22, 2024
Both Resonic Pro and Player 0.9.5 are back in development.
Pre-releases are available for testing.
For the rest of November you can make use of our -40% offer on individual and small business licenses.
During checkout use the discount code BFF2024.
Following an overwhelmingly positive user response the DRM is being removed for both faster operation and strongly reduced false-positive detections, and is replaced with a minimal stand-in to handle activations. We decide to trust our users, because really, have you seen the world. We need some light.
However, we've received countless reports of the free-for-personal-use Player being used in commercial settings, which really does neither help the project, nor those users. We would like to ask the parties in question to consider buying a Pro license.
February 21, 2023
I'd like to personally invite film composers, SFX recordists, the game audio crowd, dialog recordists, music producers, and all other audio professionals to join our wildly diverse Discord community and have a talk with us about their workflows and requirements when it comes to handling audio content.
I'm happy to share my insights, knowledge, and solutions, because I want to believe that caring is the only way to exist and to advance sustainably.
February 23, 2022
Still alive. A lot has gone wrong though.
Please read this for the latest update:
Find Liqube himself and the team of volunteers, who also have the latest news, on Discord.
We've removed Google Analytics from all our sites — for good.
May 5, 2021
Resonic Pro 0.9.4 is in its final Beta testing phase.
We'll be leaving the Beta phase as well as Early Access (EA) with this upcoming release.
If you still want a Pro license at the EA price, now is the time.
October 31, 2020
A hell of a year so far, but no partying today. We're staying inside, and there's enough to do.
In terms of Resonic there's always room for optimization and improvement, but the latest Alpha builds really show how much faster software can become.
Shouts to the awesome community on Discord for constantly helping us make this thing better.
Stay safe, everyone.
October 26, 2020
The LA Discord server is now our HQ for text and voice chats, beta testing and general creative content. New alpha versions are always available there We'll be shutting down the Slack workspace next week.
This news page was reworked to allow for posts again. Whee.
August 30, 2020
Resonic Pro is actively being developed but builds and releases are dragging (like the rest of this forsaken year.)
For the time being join our Discord for actual updates.
March 2, 2020
Facebook has cut off our news feed.
We've banished them from your browser years ago and we're not willing to bring them back here Until we figure out something else please visit our FB page and discussion group, forums Discord, or Slack, to keep updated and in touch!
June 26, 2019
Here's a summary of a few of the more notable features, aside from the regular bug fixes and usability improvements, in 0.9.3, 0.9.4, and beyond. With every release now we're also working on migrating towards high-DPI, making sure that the UI looks and feels good on zoom or 4K screens. Community feedback is really helpful at that front.
We're actively working on:
- Database functionality and search features (note that currently there is only a filter, i.e. it filters the file lis based on filename or metadata, which is useful for refinement, but will eventually be improved by an actual indexed search)
- High DPI improvements
- New CPU/disk friendly peak cache
- Support for external editors and tools
- Non-blocking network support
Already implemented for upcoming 0.9.4 release:
- Extensive iXML 2.0 support, covering a big chunk of the specification
- Copy as Reaper media clip feature (in co-op with Cockos)
- Fast create selections (mouse click drag)
- Leading/trailing slice settings for slice export
- Explorer icon refresh for usability's sake (incl. amb/bwf)
- Ambisonics detection, where possible, .amb file support
- Full multichannel ogg file support, including direct playback of .mogg files without having to split them up into channels first
- About 30 new metadata items being read and displayed
- Channel/track detection for formats that expose any usable metadata (e.g. WAVE/AIFF/AMB)
- Channel switcher bar (channel/leg selector/picker) using aforementioned channel/track metadata, when available
- Metadata improvements for several mobile recorders (from Zoom to Sound Devices)
Added in 0.9.3:
- Several sound output related settings (rates, channel offset, exclusive mode, etc.)
- Any number of sampler loops (sustain/release) embedded in WAVE/AIFF metadata are visualized and can be used for snapping
- Improved filter (match all words, etc.)
- Several new metadata items and columns (from speeds and time signature to Soundminer, iXML, peak/gain values, etc.)
- Improved iXML/Soundminder metadata support
- Filename fix option for Unreal engine users
- Oscilloscope visualization
Have a crispy summer weekend 🤒♨️🤘
June 5, 2019
Olá Brasil!
Our Pro user Flávio Dutra (The Old Side) has put a lot of effort into creating some excellent Portugese videos on Resonic Pro. He covers all the basics and gives you some in-depth tips and tricks for general use as well as for cutting up content:
1. Gerenciador de áudio profissional / Análise (Review)
2. Tips Tricks – Marcadores
3. Tips Tricks – Recortes (CUT / CUT PLAY)
Thank you, Flávio! <3
Discord Updates
From #updates channel on the LA Discord Community.
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February 9, 2025
New Portable Alpha builds for Resonic Player (2391) and Resonic Pro (2334), the fourth this year, are available.The Pro version now has user themes fully enabled. Hop on to discuss them.
January 26, 2025
Resonic Pro custom color themes are finally happening.The next Alpha build, due in the next few days, will have the theme system for a single dark/light theme enabled.
I'll be introducing themes and explaining the process of making a theme from scratch on a screen-share. This is still a developing feature, but at this point it's really fine tuning and cleanup. There will be several little details that need fixing, there might be some missing features and colors, but all this will come to light once we actually start making themes.
Let me know in or PM me asap if you're interested in joining so we can get started.
January 1, 2025
I wish you all a happy and productive 2025!May your creative juices flow with the raw power of the waterfalls of Iguaçu 🚿🚿🚿

December 16, 2024
A new Resonic Pro Alpha (portable build) is available.
A new Resonic Player 0.9.5 Alpha (portable build) is available, now again with MIDI rendering and reworked sound bank.Downloads are at .
The LA Bug Tracker was updated, is back online, and signups are possible again.
December 9, 2024
Resonic Player was first released 2012/12/12, exactly 12 years ago.
Let's celebrate with a little voice chat on here on December 12, at 19/7p CET.
Everybody's welcome.
June 8, 2024
Resonic Player 0.9.5 Alpha builds are now accessible to the general public.Downloads are at .
Please make sure you check the latest online docs at .
You're invited to discuss them on and other public channels.
May 25, 2024
Resonic Pro 0.9.5 Alpha has entered the chat. Let the testing commence, with much less DRM. Hold on to your starships, a new warp drive has arrived.

May 10, 2024
If you're still interested in joining the Alpha test, say the word soon. I'm keeping the group small this time. All Alpha builds will include a complete bug reporting system that features report uploads for testers so we can actually find and smash the bugs faster this time. This should be good.
May 7, 2024
Important Announcement: The testers group is about to be wiped.
Resonic Pro Alpha 0.9.5 and its testing cycle is coming closer. I'll be wiping the complete testers group to start fresh, which means anybody with the Tester role will lose access to the alphatest and betatest channels. This wipe has been long overdue as the group has grown too big and asking individually has lead to nowhere. However this is just a reset, if you want back in send me a message here on Discord.
May 3, 2024
Alpha versions are building again! They will be freely accessible to anybody on the testing team and not have DRM. If you wish to apply, now's a good time.
April 30, 2024
So we've got a new channel here, a Discord "forum" rather, hoping to integrate you in discussing more or less experimental things I have to show. I'll be randomly putting down things there that are more or less worth showing. More or less.
April 24, 2024
Some time ago I called a vote on DRM reduction in Resonic Pro and people overwhelmingly voted in favor of it. It's hard to argue with such a response and this is now a work in progress. While it won't be a complete removal it will be a major reduction and replacement of dependencies that have been dragging this project down since its unofficial release of 0.9.4b.
As this endeavor requires a complete rewrite of parts of the program (including server-side and client-side portions of the web sites, and services like update checks) it not the most straight-forward thing to do as you can imagine. Covering the whole path from purchase to activation to user self-management from scratch is quite a full stack of development.
There are downsides too, like increasing the risk of piracy as my goal will no longer be the secure protection of the program. On the upside it should defuse the never-ending joke that is false positive reporting by anti-virus software a bit. It's been getting worse and for any developer being reported as malicious in any way, shape, or form, is incredibly damaging financially, and psychologically, especially when your intent is the polar opposite. Those who know me know my aggressive stance on malicious or privacy-invading practices, and bs in general.
Costs are high, and as a developer these days you can not win, so unless you compromise, do what others don't, and are met with support and love from a great user base and paying customers, you are well and truly lost. That much being said, I will continue to do as much as my health permits, and I will continue meeting you with transparency and openness and will be hoping to get it back from you through trust and support. I'll be seeing you here on Discord.
April 9, 2024
So, the reality is, things have been more than hard and are still being hard. As if losing people, bad health and the daily overdose of anxiety are not heavy enough to exist with we seem to live in a bureaucratic jungle that simply wants to erase you, but not before you're turned into a husk of what you once were. Key is to stay in there despite everything, and for that cuts in life have to be made, step by step. Toxicity can under no circumstance be allowed in as it used to be.
I'm doing what I can to sort things out and keep myself alive. The Resonic project is ongoing, and has to be ongoing, because there are only so many things we do that are really good, and for me this is one of them as it brings a lot of joy to people and myself using it on a daily basis for both pleasure and work.
I hope you're all good, and am trying my best to respond.
November 26, 2023
The Inércia Demoparty is happening next week, 1-3 Dec 2023.
Inércia is a Digital Art & Music Festival in Almada, Lisbon, Portugal at the old theatre Incrível Almadense''.
I'll be playing a DJ set on 2 Dec, 21:00 GMT. All three days will be streamed live with English commentary.
Anybody is welcome. We'll cover topics across the digital art and retro computing spectrum, entrance fees, food and drink are very affordably priced, and you can sleep on location for free if you so please (take a sleeping bag):
More info and streams: . Check during the festival.
November 24, 2023
It's Black Friday everyone. This time we participate. Purchase Resonic Pro individual and small business licenses today and tomorrow with a -30% Black Friday discount.
August 27, 2023
The next flood is incoming and I can't catch a breath. I've only partially dealt with the last one's fallout, let alone the ongoing psychological pressure. I'll have another three days of storms and heavy rain falling on fully saturated land. The basement is still only on ground water level from last time. Wish me luck, hope everyone is doing well! I'll talk to you all when I can, meanwhile grab a copy of Resonic Pro if you wanna help out financially…
August 5, 2023
I will be mostly unreachable for the next two to three weeks. I've been through several weeks of thunderstorms, heavy rain and hail and have now been hit by flooding. There's more damage to deal with than I am willing to accept at this point. Whoever is running this simulation seriously sucks ass.
June 15, 2023
Working on network share (SMB) support for Resonic Pro 0.9.5a, and ironing out some file list usability issues we've learnt about in 0.9.4b.Rather allowing to browse everything (potentially slow and blocking) I'll allow users to add the servers they want to access to browse shares in an efficient way. This requires an internal overhaul which partially is already present in 0.9.4, however a robust system to handle all forms and shapes of file and folder paths and URLs was necessary, which is in place now.
June 12, 2023
The Liqube Audio server is now a community.
This unlocks a lot of new features, including forums. You can select the channels you want to see, and new users will be able to pick their roles by answering an "your expertise" question. I'd like to encourage everyone on here to go to Channels & Roles in Discord's left sidebar and pick what you're interested in. You will get your roles assigned which work more like categories here rather than anything fancy. It's nice to know who's around.
Minor changes: The lobby and introduction channels have become one. The progress channel is now called updates (its content is visible on the website as well). Thinking about bringing the Labs back, lab experiments, what I'm working on, random things, for you to participate and put your mayonnaise with it. Thoughts?
June 4, 2023
The next versions of Resonic Pro (starting with Alpha 0.9.5) will allow copying and pasting file list layouts (columns, sorting, etc.).Different uses have different needs for metadata columns. I've created a very simplified human-readable plain text format specifically for this, and it'll also be easy to just "write" new ones or edit existing ones in a text editor, before pasting them. Since they are all in plain text you can share your own column layouts with other people easily. Applying a layout is as easy as copying text somewhere and pasting (CTRL+V) it directly into Resonic's file list. It's instant.
Support for metadata and hot cues embedded in files by DJ software is happening.The next Resonic Alpha will come with experimental but stable code for Traktor 2/3 and DJUCED, and more support is on the horizon. Post your thoughts and ideas into
May 9, 2023
I've been contemplating a completely DRM-free Resonic Pro. What are your thoughts?The main question here would be though, seeing how the software would get pirated fast and spread like a wildfire, could I continue financing the project. Would you pay for Resonic Pro, or even a bit more, to get it DRM-free, which as a side effect would speed up startup, get rid of all AV warnings and issues, and simplify updates?
February 20, 2023
Progress has been made on the metadata editing front.New functionality in Resonic's meta core is developed in a modular fashion. Code is usually turned into standalone command-line tools first. Testing and a refinement grind follows next until reliability is reached, before the new thing ends up anywhere near the GUI part of Resonic. To select testers one of these tools is now available. It focuses on professional-grade WAV/AIFF metadata editing on a very low level like it doesn't really exist out there so far. Its code shall eventually form the basis for the metadata embedding features.
Fully understanding the structure and content of audio files and keeping their integrity is a main priority here. Most apps and tools mess with those two in the worst ways. You could edit a file with two different apps and randomly lose bits (or all) information going from one to the other. This won't happen here as the approach is fundamentally different.
February 17, 2023
Currently waiting for a new Code Signing Certificate. Gotta get some bucks over to the mafia to be allowed to keep on releasing, right. The vetting process is getting more ridiculous (and less trustworthy, tbh) by the year. I wonder how long we'll keep playing this stupid game.
February 6, 2023
Working on the first 0.9.5 Alpha build after the private 0.9.4 Beta we've all been using for a while.Dust off your testing shoes. There shall be features!
December 12, 2022
Fun fact: On this day, 10 years ago – on 2012/12/12 at 12:12:12 CET – the first Alpha version of Resonic Player was released 🎉🎉 🎉 Its been freeware ever since. Another few years later the Pro version would see the light of day. I sincerely hope the software made your digital life a little bit more enjoyable 🖐️
October 21, 2022
We're having another Friday Talk tonight, starts again at 21:30 (9:30 PM) CET here on Discord in the #kitchen
September 25, 2022
“Save the date: Join us for our third Friday Talk on our Discord reboot on Sep 30, 21:30 (9:30 PM) CET in the #kitchen voice channel. Bring a drink and some good topics for this friendly voice chat about anything (and maybe also Resonic).”
August 5, 2021
Beta 2019 is available, startup logging is disabled again (much faster). As a major improvement anybody with NAS/VPN/network shares should benefit from tweaks in this version. All previous Beta builds can still be used of course, in case you have to.
August 3, 2021
Much work currently goes into a new web API, which on Resonic's client side is – for the time being – only needed for update checks (with support for Alphas and Betas), and into making sure migration from version to version works well, which is needed to leave the Beta stage in a tidy way.Besides that the Beta test is ongoing and anything relevant that comes up is fixed immediately.
June 20, 2021
Working on the few remaining issues now, and on web related stuff.
It's all taking a bit long as this is also a move away from Early Access and a push to end the permanent Beta phase. We have to ensure that future updates are seamless, your data is taken over from version to version, new update checks are functional – which involves a larger rework of the web api, not only for update checks, but for downloads and licensing – and so forth.
Meanwhile private Beta testing is ongoing, so if anything weird is found now it's also fixed right away if possible.
June 11, 2021
We've been approved by Avid for Pro Tools "Spot to Timeline" support. This'll most likely pop up in 0.9.5 Alpha versions. There are also other things in the works that are moving into the same direction.
June 9, 2021
Unlocked a bunch of Discord channels in the Everyday Stuff section
Besides and there's now (non tech), (non tech), (non tech), , and (for those moments).
May 5, 2021
Improved reading of Scott Studios (SS32) and Wide Orbit radio broadcasting information, intro, segue (transition into next song or clip), and triggers are correctly displayed in the waveform

April 15, 2021
Working to cover another large portion of MediaBay metadata
Note to Steinberg: Who the hell in charge of your metadata? It's an absolute mess and getting worse with each release. As metadata specialists we're here if you need a hand.
April 13, 2021
Working on Beta setup. A look at the refreshed extra large icons.

The new Beta will allow you to associate different kinds of file formats in one go

Closing in on lots and lots of small and tiny issues, mostly related to consistency, minor functionality, upgrading, setup, and lastly visuals. These will be fixed while in Beta testing for a few weeks.
Overall performance feels vastly improved vs. the previous official build, which definitely feels like one huge accomplishment. Crunch pressure is mounting though…
I've been invited to The Mr. Bill Podcast last month and we've been talking about all kinds of stuff including Resonic, tech, the universe, and flat earthers 😄

April 6, 2021
To everybody still waiting for a response outside of Discord: we had to take a timeout for week doing something (anything) else, hope you understand. Working through email and social media message backlogs now.
Actively working on the first 0.9.4 unofficial beta build. Yes, we're very close to leaving the Alpha phase :)
March 20, 2021
Improving the super nice Keep position way of cleaning out files, especially longer ones (e.g. music)So here's the theory: You enable the Keep position feature, seek to somewhere in the first third of the waveform, then use the arrow keys to switch between files, DEL to delete files, etc. Once deleted playback stops and you press ENTER to play the next file. However, this doesn't always work reliably. Currently the kept position was lost. This'll be fixed in the next Alpha. A big fix for those working like this.
The same behavior will be available for cleaning out playing folders with CTRL-SHIFT-DEL and following up with ENTER to play the next folder.
March 19, 2021
Alpha 2001 is ready for testingLots of little fixes and improvements, mostly not in the changelog, and one big fix where file/folder changes would not be reflected in the file list.
March 11, 2021
Alpha 2000 is upThis is a major milestone and includes all High DPI and UI rework code of the last six months. The UI should be much nicer to look at on 4K, with per-desktop zoom, it should also fix several dual-head issues, shrinking columns, etc.
March 9, 2021
Closer and closer to Alpha 2000 every day, a build that'll incorporate months of UI rework for high DPI displays and different zoom setings and UI performance improvements.
March 1, 2021
In Alpha builds we changed the way initial key metadata is handled.
Alpha 1999 is up. Mostly invisible work, but also major usability improvements with scrolling to and locating the active file, now with shortcut. This one wraps up the '90s and is subtitled 'Californication'.For the first time in a while an Alpha build for the free Resonic Player is also available.
The initial key metadata – as written to the file by other tools (e.g. DJ software) – is displayed in its original text form in the Initial Key column while a consistent interpretation of all recognizable formats (including Open Key notation) is displayed in the Musical Key column.